I've got a vanilla server for 1.10 and I already did a scoreboard with two different Teams (red, blue). Now I want to check if either a player on team red or a player on team blue dies and to have a redstone output out of it.

  • Have you tried anything yourself?
    – rivermont
    Commented Jun 18, 2016 at 14:00
  • 1
    You may want to take a look into creating an objective with the "teamkill" criterion and then use "/scoreboard players test @a <objective> 1" to determine a kill of a member of the team. Instantly afterwards resetting with "/scoreboard players set @a <objective> 0". Do this for both teams.
    – RimaNari
    Commented Jun 18, 2016 at 14:47

1 Answer 1


Set up an objective to keep track of deaths:

/scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount

To test if a a player on red team had died, run this command:

/testfor @a[team=red,score_Deaths_min=1]

To test if a player on blue team had died, run this command:

/testfor @a[team=blue,score_Deaths_min=1]

You'll then probably need to set their Deaths back to 0 after doing what you want to do:

/scoreboard players set @a[score_Deaths_min=1] Deaths 0

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