I need Wyvern mutagens for a decoction. I understand that with normally spawned wyverns they are randomly dropped, but are there any areas that there is a higher chance of receiving one, or any that are received as a part of a quest?

2 Answers 2


So it appears there can be possible different locations that they can be spawning from:

Their official Wikia recommends here: Around and south of Crookback Bog

One from YouTube back from 2015:

However if this has been patched out by this point is unknown (This area contains a respawning level 14 Wyvern. This spawn still functions as of patch 1.12. If you don't get a respawn fast travel away, meditate and then return.)

Attach is a picture of a location that you can potentially find some guarding treasure enter image description here


There are three quests in the main game with Wyverns.

  1. The Most Truest of Basilisks. Probably easiest but you have to find this quest as it is not on a notice board.

  2. Patrol Gone Missing.

  3. Phantom of the Trade Route. This one is hard if you aren't at a high enough level.

There are a few Wyverns outside of quests. I think they are also at the same locations.

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