I am making a Minecraft Mini Game adventure map, and one of the levels has a /setblock command, I am using the command in a way to spawn an item in a chest (Wooden Button) I need the wooden button to have CanPlaceOn tag so it can be placed on a log.

I have tried this command:

setblock 294 5 -1251 minecraft:chest 0 replace {Items:[{Count:1,Slot:0,id:minecraft:wooden_button,CanPlaceOn:[log]}]}`

1 Answer 1


The CanPlaceOn list and all other item data is inside the tag compound tag:

      id: "minecraft:wooden_button",
      Count: 1b,
      Slot: 0b,

Example command for 1.12−:

/setblock 294 5 -1251 minecraft:chest 0 replace {Items:[{Count:1b,Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:wooden_button",tag:{CanPlaceOn:["log"]}}]}

Example command for 1.13+:

/setblock 294 5 -1251 minecraft:chest{Items:[{Count:1b,Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:wooden_button",tag:{CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:log"]}}]}

Item NBT structure can be found on this wiki page.

Common mistakes include:

  • forgetting tag:
      id: "minecraft:wooden_button",
      Count: 1b,
      CanPlaceOn: [
  • attempting to put it inside the item ID:
      id: "minecraft:wooden_button{CanPlaceOn:['minecraft:log']}",
      Count: 1b

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