Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this in-game.
However, much of the code isn't hidden, but is in easily modifiable .lua files, specifically WorldInput.lua.
This link contains several examples of how to add new hotkeys. For example the code snippet
if (uiKey == Keys.YOUR_KEY_HERE) then
local unit:table = UI.GetHeadSelectedUnit();
if unit ~= nil then
UI.LookAtPlot( unit:GetX(), unit:GetY() );
can be used to make the 'C' key center the view on the current unit, and
if (uiKey == Keys.W) then
to cycle units.
In the end, the range of new hotkeys is determined by the functions accessible, and I don't see a list of functions yet. Luckily for you, there's already examples of what you want to add.