I'm having trouble listing all my downloaded/purchased games/demos/extras. My "Downloads" list only lists the lasts 10/15 items I've purchased. If I search a game I see the "Purchased" icon and can download it again, but it does not show on my "Downloads" list, which makes it troublesome to re-download stuff like the themes.

Why is my list only showing me last ten purchased items, and how can I get it to show everything like it used to?

I have updated the store, the PS3 and PS4; deactivated and reactivated both, and the last PS3 I had had irreparable damage to the mother board.

  • 2
    While it may not answer your question, this appears to be a bug in the PSN system. Reading on this PSN support, you should be able to access your downloads through Account Management > Transaction Management > Download List Commented Jun 2, 2017 at 20:31
  • You should just be able to go to library > purchased, which will show everything you've gotten from the store ever, even if it was free.
    – GnomeSlice
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 4:16
  • Great, happy to mark it as correct if you write it as an answer.
    – Johannes
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 0:33

1 Answer 1


Navigate to Library and then Purchased to show all your content.

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