In Warband, if I give a hero all throwing axes, and he's down to the last throwing axe, will he start using it in melee or just chuck the axe and end up punching people?

1 Answer 1


He will chuck the axe and end up punching people. No, there is no way to make a companion use all but one of their throwing weapons. Don't be so cheap, and buy them a one hander, they will automatically switch to it after running out of throwing weapons ;)

  • Hi eMi, did you try this out in game? Any way you can get a screen shot or something?
    – l I
    Commented Aug 30, 2012 at 11:26
  • At least I can't, cause I don't own the game anymore. But I know it, as I tried it in the past. Maybe someone else can try it and prove it. If not u can trust in or not ;)
    – eMi
    Commented Aug 31, 2012 at 8:00

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