Currently, I have purchased all of my Sims 3 expansions on a disc. However, due to moving several times, I have lost some of the games in the unpacked stuff in the garage. Through the magic of game key retrieval on my old computer, I have registered the missing expansions on my Origin account but there is one left - University Life. It is £10 cheaper on Steam than origin, so I naturally want to buy it at the cheaper price point.
However, I don't own the sims 3 on steam and don't want to negate the cheaper price by having to purchase the base game. If I purchase the DLC as a gift for a friend (my partner) can I simply get the game key off of them and register it myself on Origin? Or can I register my base sims 3 on steam to enable myself to register it on origin?
Honestly I'm so confused by this system, which is why I have stuck to discs all these years. Let's go back to the olden days of DLC on a disc, please...