Just started playing Minecraft Windows 10 edition, and I'm having a lot of fun playing around with command blocks. I'm trying to build a store in which you trade 64 Rotten Flesh for 1 diamond. I've got most of it set up, however, whether I have 1 or 63 blocks, they all get removed and I still get the diamond.
How to I set it up so that ONLY if I have a stack or a total of 64 I would receive the item?
My commands are as follow :
First CB:
/clear @p emerald 0 1
followed by chains
/testforblock 65 63 65 powered_comparator > /give @p diamond 1 > /msg @p "Message" > /title @p actionbar purchase successful
Second row if player doesn't have an item or enough of it:
/testforblock 65 63 65 unpowered_comparator > /msg @p "Message" > /title @p actionbar Purchase Failed.