If you can find the .exe files then there is something you can do to get them working. I have the complete red alert collection on Origin and i couldn't play them as well. I found this article that shows you how to set up the compatibility settings for the .exe files that should get them running again. I haven't tried to play mine in the last few months what with work getting in the way but the fix should still work okay.
EDIT:: If you can't get the applications to install then try this article instead.
EDIT (Thanks Frank)::
The first article linked uses the compatibility options that Windows has built in.
Right click on the program, select properties and there should be a "Compatibility" option where you can tell windows which operating system to point at.
The second article is similiar but instead of using the compatibility option in the properties window of a program instead type "Run Programs made for older" and you should see the option for the compatibility wizard appear. Using it is very simple.
First Click the "Advanced Settings" option at the bottom and then click on 'Run as Administrator' from there the wizard will scan your computer and produce a list of all of the programs installed. If you then select the option for 'Not Listed' at the top and you can then navigate to the install.exe or autorun.exe of your program on the CD and it will attempt to find the best compatibility options to make it run.