I found a skeleton monster spawner and build a xp trap around it. It's the typical trap described in all the YouTube videos:

Minecraft Trap Tutorial Source: YouTube Tutorial by KaspersMC (this picture doesn't show the final trap)

The trap works and I wanted to extend it, so that also other hostile mobs get caught. Therefore I added two more rooms that look exactly like this one but without water (because I read something about hostile mobs can't spawn - besides by a monster spawner - on flowing water? Is that true?).


  • completely dark
  • all cobblestone
  • 9x9x3 (LxWxH, at some points even a height of 4 blocks)
  • tested with and without water

Problem: Other mobs (but skeletons from the mob spawner) don't spawn. Neither in the two new rooms nor in the first one.

I already tried to go more than 24 blocks away, wait some time and then come back to check the rooms but they were still empty!

I checked during day and night.


  1. Can other hostile mobs spawn near mob spawners in general?
  2. Can hostile mobs spawn on floating water?

Platform: PS4 Pro
Version: 1.74
Mode: Survival, single-player
Difficulty: Normal

1 Answer 1


Spawning rules on Bedrock edition are the same for the most part.

For your case relevant are the following rules:

Hostile overworld mobs do not spawn when:

  • The Block checked for spawning is an air block (unless spawned by a spawner)
  • there is no space for the hitbox of a mob
  • there block height is not a full block (e.g. carpet, snowlayers, slabs)
  • light level is >=7
  • water or lava on the block (either source block or flowing)

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