I'm having some trouble with 2 of the Remote Electrical Charge Gadget Challenges (not the Combat Challenges), namely:
- Use the Remote Electrical Charge to force an enemy to hit another enemy (3 required)
- Use the Remote Electrical Charge to blast one armored thug into any other thug
I've already acquired this one:
- Use the Remote Electrical Charge to get an armed enemy to fire his weapon and surprise at least one other nearby enemy
I wasn't in melee combat for that one, but I'm wondering if I need to be for these other two because I just can't seem to get them. I've stalked several enemies with guns from afar attempting to force one enemy to shoot another. I don't even know how I'm supposed to know whether or not an enemy has hit another or not.
Do I need to be in melee combat for these challenges and not do them from afar? Is there some trick that I am missing? Am I just unlucky?