So I have a similar problem to this thread: Using SOCKS with Minecraft

Addison Crump's "another method" essentially helped me coming to the point where I am now.

I did the following:

I replaced my current JVM with this: -DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=3128 -DproxySet=true -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost|"

start MC with that profile and then put: ssh (ssh file that automatically connects via a tunnel on port 80 with the username pi and logs me in on my Linux RaspberryPi) -L 25565:minecraftserverexample.net:25565

Now I add the server localhost:25565

And get the server... but when I try to join, I get the response: "Failed to login: Authentication servers are currently under maintenance" ... or sth like that.

Please help, I don´t know what's the problem.

  • 1
    Tunnel via a pickaxe instead ;-)
    – SF.
    Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 10:25
  • "or something like that" Can you please actually copy error messages from logs or screenshot them from the game? Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 10:50
  • Wow, a properly asked question by a new user, even with correct tags! I hope that you get an answer, I don't usually see many people here answering highly technical questions. Commented Jan 16, 2019 at 11:00
  • Look at the comment under 'another method'. It seems you set up the connection to the remote server just fine but you don't have connection to Mojang's auth servers.
    – SF.
    Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 8:47
  • So the question is how to get connection to the authentication servers. Commented Jan 19, 2019 at 19:28


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