I'd like help with a certain command that spawns an 'item_frame' with an item that has a tag in it. I have already tried:
/summon minecraft:item_frame ~ ~ ~ {Facing:1,Item:{id:"minecraft:melon_seeds",Damage:5,Count:1,tag:{dysplay:{Name:"Bullets"}}}}
It works, but it gives me the item with the tag of its name on it, even if I typed "Bullets". Before I started the command I gave to myself 6 Melon Seeds:
The new Melon Seeds should be named "Bullets", but they are named "Melon Seeds" because they won't even stack in the 1# slot, it still says 6:
If I did something wrong, can you please tell me where is my mistake? If I did everything the right way, can you please tell me another command on how I can summon an item frame with a custom name item in it?