The details of a guaranteed evolution of Eevee into Umbreon are said to be:
- Walk at least 10km with Eevee as your buddy
- Earn at least 2 candy while walking
- Evolve at night
These details leave a lot of room for interpretation and I'd rather not risk wasting the 25 candy. I have the following questions:
- On the buddy details page 2, I have 24.02 km walked together from previous times I had Eevee as my buddy. Does this count towards the 10km, or does it have to be since I last assigned Eevee as my active buddy?
- The same question mostly, since every 5km gives 1 candy, I have the 2 candy earned, but does it have to be since I last assigned Eevee as my active buddy?
- What specifies as 'night'? During which hours? Between 23:59 and 6:00? And related to which time zone?