I've been watching some of high-level games casted by Lowko, which ended up in a kind-of-stalemate between maxed-up zerg versus maxed-up skytoss. Protoss didn't wanted to attack over Zerg's spore crawlers on creep and Zerg didn't wanted to attack over Protoss' shield batteries and static defenses. From what I remember, Zerg army was built from Hydras, Corruptors and Vipers, while Protoss had a Mothership, Carriers, Void rays with aid of bunch of High Templar.
This is a common top-tier situation, which leads to both armies standing over their static defenses, knowing, that attack will most likely lead to defeat.
So my question is, why Protoss at that point does not get advantage of Disruptors to destroy spore crawlers? From what i remember the Novas damage structures as well, so it would be a perfect way of forcing Zerg player to back off with their spore crawlers (if they had enough time to do so). Zerg could respond with Hydras, but then Protoss could back attacking Disruptors with High Templar, who would either use Psionic Storm to force hydras to back off or Feedback on Vipers if they tried to Abduct the Disruptors. Not to mention the whole Skytoss army behind - Zerg would have to go off-creep, because Disruptor's attack is ranged.
Moreover, it would take approximately two, maybe three Disruptors to effectively force Zerg to back off, so that they wouldn't consume too much resources, which could have been otherwise spent on, like, Carriers etc.
All that obviously under assumption of top-tier players being a superhuman beings fully capable of optimally using all 15 of their fingers during a match-up. Being a hardcore Terran player for 10 years still struggling with F2-A's this is obviously a purely theoretical question for me.