It is unclear to me if "Two-handed attacks do 13% more damage" apply to dual casting spells, or just melee weapons? because basically dual cast is a two-handed attack. please help

  • 1
    If you check your "active effects", it's listed as Fortify 2-handed skill. Commented Nov 27, 2011 at 22:17

3 Answers 3


It applies only to attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

If it helps, reread the language as attacks based on your 'two-handed weapon' skill do 13% more damage.

And before you ask, yes, that means it doesn't apply to bows either.


No. Two-Handed attack bonuses only apply to attacks with a two-handed melee weapon.


No. That bonus doesn't apply to bows or duel casting spells. It pertains to the Two-handed weapon skill weapons only.

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