I have a single player world, and I'm trying to make a game in which two players try to attack and destroy each other's bases (represented by and iron golem and a ravager in cages). I'm trying to allow them to use mobs (snow golems and skeletons) to aid them in their endeavors. However, I am having trouble making the snow golems do damage. I'm going to try the following command tomorrow, and I'll post an answer if it works, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this with commands. Is there any way to make snow golems do damage to mobs who aren't blazes?
Note: I'm playing on an Xbox, so less is more when it comes to character count for the command. :)
/execute @e[type=snowball] ~ ~ ~ execute @e[type=!snow_golem, rm=0, r=.5] ~ ~ ~ summon arrow ~ ~1 ~