Situation: We were playing a game and the game dropped. Then we restored the game. Now I have two recorded game: one before the drop and one after the restore.
Question: How can I merge these two records into one record?
Use-case: Actually I have many such recorded games that I have just manually renamed as part-1, part-2, part-3 etc... But in the end it becomes difficult to mannage. I wish I could merge them for some sanity.
p.s.: I found a great github repository aoe2recfun that merges "replays from different players together so that you can see all the chats in one replay". I have asked this question as a feature request on its github issues.
I also asked this question on Reddit AoE2.
Prompted by this comment I discovered another great github repository aoc-mgz. I have asked this question on its github issues as well.