I'm stuck as to whether to convince Mordin to lie and go work on the Crucible (the sentimental choice, as Mordin is awesome), or to have him disperse the cure at the expense of his own life (the "doing right by the krogan" choice). My question is, does getting him to lie help with the Crucible at all (in terms of Galactic Readiness and all that) or is it mostly window dressing?
As I understand it, having the krogan on your side as opposed to the salarian forces you get by doing things the dalatrass' way counts for more in terms of war resources. I just want to know whether having Mordin on the Crucible contributes substantially to that or if his efforts are better served curing the genophage instead. Is it worth screwing Wrex over if Mordin gets the Crucible done? I have a feeling I know the answer, but additional input would be nice.