I know that Blizzard removed item sets from Diablo III to prevent shenanigans like swapping into a Magic Find set just before landing the last hit on a boss.
However, the same reasoning doesn't apply to skills. That has got me wondering - is there a way to swap your equipped skills without bringing up the full screen skill menu (default Hotkey S)?
Quite often I find myself with only AoE spells selected and I come up against a big boss with a huge health pool. I want to switch to a more focused single-target spell. Obviously this will incur the cooldown, which I am fine with. But too often I have to stand still for the 3ish seconds it takes to bring up the Skill menu, select the skill, choose a rune, and close out, which leaves me vulnerable to getting squashed.
Is there a faster way to switch your active spells?
but I haven't seen a way to choose abilities. If there is, that would be a perfect answer to my question!