The achievement "No Easy Way Out" specifies:

In Ch 1, Ep 5 of Spartan Ops, survive the enemy assault during the defense on Normal or harder.

I've played "Core" a half dozen times, in co-op, solo, on Normal, Heroic, Legendary, etc... I've also tried avoiding death in the final section where you defend the artifact, or even the whole Op, but still I haven't unlocked this achievement. What gives?

1 Answer 1


"Core" is Episode 1: Chapter 5. Note that the achievement specifies Chapter 5: Episode 1.

This is made doubly confusing by the fact that they put the chapter number first, even though chapters are a subset of episodes. All of the other Spartan Op episode/chapter achievements do this as well.

Therefore, you can't get this achievement by playing the Spartan Op "Core" - it is for a Spartan Op that has yet to be released.

  • This confused me also. Why put achievements in the list that you can't get...surely add them when the content is available (That's how it normally works!) Commented Nov 11, 2012 at 10:15
  • @SpaceBison simple: to keeep people from selling the game early on, so people will have to buy new games instead of used ones. simple money-making tactic.
    – Strike
    Commented Nov 16, 2012 at 9:38

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