Linked Questions

5 votes
2 answers

Importing games back into steam [duplicate]

Recently got a new pc, put the HDD from old pc into new one, reinstalled Steam however I want to use the library from old pc on new one but keep it on external. New pc has a SSD which I do not want ...
Marriott81's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Downloaded game onto my external hard drive, but Steam won't let me play the game? [duplicate]

Steam is saying I have to download the game all over again, but I have already done so. It is on my external hard drive instead of my SSD in my laptop, to save space. I haven't really had this problem ...
AshCat's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Steam no longer recognizing games in drive F [duplicate]

I installed games onto another internal drive, and since yesterday steam seems to have forgotten that games are installed on that drive, I don't want to download all the games again, help?
quick_splash's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

Does uninstalling Steam also uninstall games installed through steam?

If anyone caught me in chat, I'm currently having problems with Steam, which is keeping me not only from playing Portal 2, but also from accessing any of the other 28 steam game shortcuts on my ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

What happens if you install a Steam game to a removable drive?

What happens if you install a game to an external drive and then remove it? Does the game just not work if you try to start it? Does it get "uninstalled" according to Steam? Does Steam have serious ...
Ullallulloo's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Can I download Steam games to an external HDD from a city library or other public PC?

I grew up in urban areas so I am used to having ready-access to a decent internet connection. However, due to my work/career, in the future I will likely be living in places with little to no internet ...
Phil's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Copy GTA V to external SSD?

Is it possible to copy my Steam copy of GTA V to my non-system Samsung 850 EVO SSD, which I have a SATA to USB 3.0 adapter for (so essentially a fast flash drive in my case), and play said game on a ...
Shane Smiskol's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Using Steam backup to store game files and saves on different drives

I am going to be getting a new computer with an SSD next week and want to be able to effectively preload my games (i.e. not have to start over or transfer save data manually). As I see it, I want the ...
Thoth19's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Steam won't download - thinks I have less free space than I do

When downloading Rainbow Six: Siege on Steam, it gives me the error "Not enough disk space..." I tried reinstalling again, but when it reaches 90%, it shows me that error message again, even though I ...
Nassir's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I show my games in Xbox Games list?

AFAIK, steam adds games to installed programs list when installed, which allows me to add them to my Xbox Games list (and record etc. without stutter etc.), but my Windows 10 install wiped my system (...
ave's user avatar
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