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Questions tagged [divine-divinity]

Divine Divinity is a fantasy RPG developed by Larian Studios.

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4 votes
2 answers

How do I access the map?

I've been playing the 2002 game, Divine Divinity, on Steam (Amazing game btw). Throughout the early part of the game many NPC's state that they're marking information on your in-game map - however, I ...
2 votes
1 answer

What happens if I take out the sword in the Dark Forest?

There's a sword within a stone in an area inside the Dark Forest asking me (in a rather rude manner) to take it out. The quest log says that maybe I should think twice about taking it out. What ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does the different types of armor make the character look different?

Does the armor change appearance on the character? Meaning when you change out armor as you go through the game, does the character start showing different armor appearance, as you change?
5 votes
1 answer

How do you use magic?

When you click browse skills, you can select a spell, but how do you use it? Also, can you assign skills to numbers or something to select them quickly?
3 votes
1 answer

How can I identify items?

As a Survivor in Divine Divinity, I was given access to Identify as a passive skill. The problem I am facing seems to be that I cannot identify any items I've picked up, as it won't let me actually ...
7 votes
1 answer

How exactly do I go about picking locks?

I've chosen to play a Survivor in Divine Divinity. I noticed that one of the starting skills was "Lockpick" which I've always found useful to have from the start. The problem is, I don't actually ...