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Questions tagged [dmc-devil-may-cry]

DmC: Devil May Cry is a Hack and slash beat 'em up video game developed by Ninja Theory and published by Capcom. The game is set in an alternate reality in the Devil May Cry series.

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Is there a way to skip the end credits in DMC?

Is there a .bik file I can delete or something?
777's user avatar
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How do I open the secret doors?

During playing DMC, I stumbled upon a couple of doors, which seem to be magically locked by a blue web of fibres. I know you can open some doors with special keys, but that does not seem to apply to ...
magnattic's user avatar
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If I buy a physical copy of DMC: Devil May Cry, will it pick up a save file from the downloaded copy?

I have recently downloaded DmC: Devil May Cry and I kind of like the game and would want it after my subscription ends so I was thinking of buying the physical game on disc from store and deleting the ...
Mr. Fest's user avatar
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Can you leave mid mission DMC and keep my collectibles?

As the title says. Can I leave a mission in the middle of it in DMC-Devil May Cry and keep all the collectibles I found or do I have to finish the mission to keep it? Thanks in advance-Charkz
Charkz's user avatar
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Does completing a difficulty level provide any advantage in later playthroughs?

I passed DMC on Devil Hunter. Should I repeat the game on Easy to get all the doors and souls before going onto Son of Sparda or is it irrelevant?
Charkz's user avatar
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Can you start off with this game?

I never played DMC, but can I get this game and not get confused about story line? Reviews say that this is a rebirth of the series, so can I play this game and feel that I understand what's happening?...
Charkz's user avatar
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How to change audio language whilst keeping English text?

How do you change the audio language of the PC version of Devil May Cry while keeping the English text? I've done this for Skyrim but I'm not sure how to do this for DmC. I know I can go into Steam ...
Stupid.Fat.Cat's user avatar
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How much sexual content is there in DMC?

Is there just some sexual content in the opening of DmC, or is it prevalent throughout the whole game or at least some other parts? I don't want to a start a discussion about whether or not sex in ...
souichiro's user avatar
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DmC white screen after gaining devil trigger

I'm playing the PC version of DmC: Devil May Cry. Whenever I get to the dreamworld-ish place and get the Devil Trigger ability, I: Defeat the 3 chainsaw-wielding enemies, but not in a single devil ...
Twon-ha's user avatar
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How does the scoring system work?

I've seen lots of theories thrown around about what sorts of things can affect your score and style meter, but lots of those theories seem to be based on anecdotal evidence or knowledge of previous ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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How does the skill upgrade system work?

I've played a few missions so far, and have gotten a handful of skill upgrade points. As I've purchased new skills, I've noticed that you can "sell" skills that you've chosen and get your upgrade ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Does the flag on Dante's jacket change?

There is a flag on Dante's jacket, I first noticed this during the cut scene at the end of the first level. The flag is a sown on patch kind of thing, and is on his upper left arm. This flag was a ...
musefan's user avatar
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How to kill the Hunter Demon in DmC: Devil May Cry on the first level?

I'm struggling on the first boss in Devil May Cry. Everytime he jumps on the Roller Coast he kills me. How do you avoid his grapple attack?
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