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Questions tagged [far-cry-3]

Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter, which also features role-playing game elements including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system.

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2 votes
1 answer

Just started farcry3 and can't find crafting option in menu

I just started farcry3 and can't find crafting option in menu i just keep killing ppl and skinning animals and i cant craft stuff .. Do i need to do something to be able to craft?
i.fathy's user avatar
  • 31
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FC3 - NVIDIA 1050 - Distant texture color in sepia

Game: Far Cry 3 GPU: NVidia GeForce 1050 From last couple of days, object at a distance(Except sky) is rendering in a sepia color! I don't remember about changing any graphics settings on game or ...
Sen Jacob's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does Far Cry 3 automatically adjust difficulty level?

I noticed few times, after multiple failures, that some enemies are not spawned in a places of my death. Example: after jump from a plane, you land on a beach and have to kill group of pirates and ...
wst's user avatar
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Far Cry 3 Sniper Challenge not working?

So I know I'm a few years late for playing FC3, but I'm finding that this "sniper challenge" just east and slightly north of Dr. Earnhardt's mansion gets me awkwardly stuck. I accept the mission, I ...
Asinine's user avatar
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My game does not autosave?

I have played it almost 15 times, have completed upto third checkpoint all the times, but then when I quit and load the chapter, it starts from the scratch. Because of this I cannot progress any more ...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
-1 votes
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Uplay DLC content downloading

I am playing from Uplay and I own a far cry 3 copy on my H drive, and got the blood dragon DLC today for free which is showing in my Uplay library and its to be downloaded. Do I need to just download ...
Shiladitya Bose's user avatar
5 votes
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Far Cry 3 Screen Covered with HTML

I have rebooted my PC and restarted my game several times and the problem persists. I am running Windows 10
Bravetheif's user avatar
5 votes
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Did Jason really go back home?

Is there any indication on the credits? Or any detail whatsoever that would further clarify it? I believe he did go home. Or didn't he? At the end of Far Cry 3, I took the "Go Home" ending. I was ...
Imaginary's user avatar
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Graphics of Far Cry 3 not that good after unexpected shutdown

First of all, I know this is not a site about hardware problems. But I think if we are gamers, then we probably know something about the hardware. So here is the problem: I was playing Far Cry 3 on my ...
codetalker's user avatar
2 votes
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Can quests disappear before I do them?

I'm not sure but I think the quests, 'Path of the Hunter' and 'Wanted Dead' have disappeared before I did them. Because I remember seeing them on the map, but then I proceeded with the story, thinking ...
jeff's user avatar
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Purchasing UPlay game on Steam

I purchased Far Cry 3 on my Steam account, I downloaded the game from Steam and when I ran it I got a key to activate the game on UPlay but, when I run the game I should login to both services. If I ...
AHelmi8x's user avatar
1 vote
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Not able to select any weapon

I am now in chapter 2 in Far Cry 3 (Harvest the Jungle). Here I need a gun or weapon to kill Boar but I am not able to select any weapon except grenades. Could someone help with this?
arpit's user avatar
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Inability to capture image at this certain location in Far Cry 3

While playing Far Cry 3, I tried to use my camera inside the boat (mission "Get aboard the ship" or similar title). When I pressed Z on the following place, instead of normal blue coloured grid, I was ...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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Far Cry 3 - How Increase Enemies And Enviromental Hostility In FC3

I have already read the following post. Once the player has beaten Far Cry 3, they have the option of resetting all of the enemy outposts. The new outposts either seem easier to take down, or my ...
user58446's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Can I play my far cry 3 (Xbox 360 edition) on my laptop?

Ok so for Christmas. I got an Acer laptop. My question is, will I be able to play Far Cry 3 on my laptop with a wireless 360 controller?
Greywolf_422's user avatar
7 votes
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Far Cry 3: Bow Scope measuring

So I have recently started running around with the bow equipped with the scope. When I am zoomed in, the markers indicate which point is aiming at what distance. I try to estimate the virtual ...
Omar Devon Little's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Sharkskins in Far Cry 3

I am attempting to find sharks in Far Cry 3, so that I might... ahem, "obtain" shark skins. The guides I have seen list how to kill sharks, but now how to find them. How do you find sharks to kill ...
Chance's user avatar
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Which encrypted data can reward which level of mark of mods?

I haven't played competitive multiplayer, so I wouldn't know about that, but co-operative multiplayer awards encrypted data upon completion of any campaign. Encrypted data can be decoded to win XP or ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Do sharks attack you if you're using a water vehicle?

I have a real-life phobia that, unfortunately, carries over to video games when I play them. I don't like swimming and not being able to see below me. So when I swim, I'm unable to see sharks and ...
FoxMcCloud's user avatar
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What missions unlock all the skills?

I've hit a point where I have 6 skill points but all of the skills are still locked. At what point do the skills start unlocking and is there a point at which all of them unlock at once?
FoxMcCloud's user avatar
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Far Cry 3 Online Multiplayer Never Finds Other Players

I bought Far Cry 3, off Steam, when it came out with the intention of playing online with my friends. At the time my computer was running Windows 8, and I was only ever able to get a single game to ...
Chris Crutchfield's user avatar
3 votes
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Where to hunt for pigs in Far Cry 3?

I want to craft equipment that requires pigs' skin. Yet I cannot find any pig on the map, only boars. Where to look for them?
k0pernikus's user avatar
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Farcry 3 randomly enters windowed mode

For starters, whenever I face a tiger, game goes windowed mode. After that, whenever I press Z to use the camera (or to take it off) it also changes to windowed mode. I've tried to set the camera key ...
Arkl1te's user avatar
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Shooting whilst driving in FC3 [closed]

Is it possible to get a mod for FC3 that enables you to shoot a pistol while steering the vehicle? Say for a car chase or just to screw with Civies and Rakyat?
JaffaMoose's user avatar
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In Farcry 3 does taking outpost affect the number of wild animals?

In Farcry 3 it seems like at the start of the game, when there are a lot of enemy outposts, I seem to encounter more wild animals. Do outpost affect the chance to encounter animals or do I just ...
Coomie's user avatar
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Finding lost weapons in Far Cry 3

I tricked out a sniper rifle and had to drop it to pick up another weapon I needed and have since left that area and now its gone but in the gun store it still shows that I own it. How do I get it ...
David Lois's user avatar
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How can I get steam to recognize existing game files (Far Cry 3)? [duplicate]

I've downloaded Far Cry 3 through the steam account on my laptop, then copied the files to the Steam account on my desktop PC. I've put the game folder into the common files folder, just as I always ...
Cass's user avatar
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How do I finish the 'Saving Oliver' mission?

I am playing Far Cry 3 and I am stuck on the Saving Oliver mission after talking to Willis. He keeps running out to fight the pirates and getting killed. Is there a way to make this mission easier? ...
John Cartwright's user avatar
1 vote
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Help setting up USB joystick for Far cry 3 on PC

I am trying to set up my USB joystick to work with my Far cry 3 on my PC. But its not detected. One of my friend suggested that i should use x360ce to emulate the xbox controller to work in my PC. I ...
RameshVel's user avatar
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How to get all signature weapon in Far Cry 3

I just starting to play the game (Far Cry 3), and somehow, i got the Bull weapon, a signature shotgun without me knowing when I get it, now the question is, how to get other signature weapon, as in ...
Abie Giordano's user avatar
4 votes
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What does leveling up weapon mods/attachments do?

What is the difference in Far Cry 3? Say you have the F1 and have the Marksman's Mod Level 3 for it, what happens if you go up a level to Marksman's Mod Level 4 or 5? Does it increase the stats ...
mugen2099's user avatar
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The map marker does not work

In one of the first missions, I'm supposed to move the map marker to the hunting grounds. I move the marker to the flashing icon, but nothing happens... Why? Does anybody know? I'm playing on the ...
Peter's user avatar
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I can't keep Willis alive (spoiler)

I'm at the point where Willis has repaired the plane, and we are fighting off the remaining attackers. I can't get past it since he gets killed in like five seconds. I don't even have time to set any ...
Sandokan's user avatar
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Can you use "Death from Below" from a ladder?

I'm trying to infiltrate the Nostalgia by the stern ladder. I just put a point in Death from below and thought that this was as good a time as any to try it out. However, I can't seem to execute it. ...
Sandokan's user avatar
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Do signature weapons ever become free?

Just got the Shredder unlocked and am thinking about buying it. But I'm wondering if fixing towers will make it free later?
Sandokan's user avatar
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Can you access the photos you take with the camera? [duplicate]

I was just wondering if you could view the photos you take with the camera?
Ethan's user avatar
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11 votes
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How are Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon related?

I loved Far Cry 3. And now I'm hearing about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. They look very (very) different. They don't seem to have anything in common except the title. Are they the same series? Is Blood ...
Coomie's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How do you skip cut scenes?

I hate it when I die and have to see the whole cut scene over and over again. Is there any way to skip them, maybe a hack or a command line when we launch the game ?
Warface's user avatar
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Can the Far Cry 3 minimap be set to be static (non-rotating)?

I loathe rotating minimaps with a passion. I really want to love FC3, but I just can't get over the rotating minimap. But I cannot find an ingame option to make the minimap stop rotating. You know, ...
Tekuromoto's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get new weapons in Far Cry 3 Coop?

I've been playing coop with a friend for a half about an hour. We both have levelled a little, but both can't figure out how to get our new weapons. Things are made worse by this: Change loadout ...
Septagram's user avatar
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Weapons will not equip after arrival to the South Island

On the max difficulty, I went to the South Island. After I jumped from the plane, I died. When I jumped again and landed safely, my weapons would not engage. Also, the second time the pirates were ...
user46283's user avatar
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Can you get to the south island early in Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is a fun game, but it's even more fun with right weapons. The Bushman is the perfect gun, but it's only unlocked after every radio tower is unlocked. It's easy to unlock towers, if you can ...
Coomie's user avatar
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Which button do I "HOLD" in Mission 33

When I get to the torture scene, I'm prompted to hit left mouse twice to throw two punches at the prisoner. When it's time to jam my thumb into his wound, all is see is HOLD but no button prompt. I ...
Redlight's user avatar
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Heavy Beatdown takedown skill unlocked, but unable to use

I have already unlocked the Heavy Beatdown skill in 'The Shark' skill tree. The lock is removed but it is unusable and has no effect when I double click it. I have 1500 xp out of 4000. What should I ...
Jayapal Chandran's user avatar
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Recover save games in Far cry 3

I completed Far Cry 3 around 60% and I had to refresh my windows 8 pc due to some internet issues. During a refresh all desktop apps will be uninstalled but no files will be lost. So I thought the ...
BGovind's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a trick to skinning and looting?

Is there a trick to this? I just spent a good 30 seconds trying to pickup a relic despite tea-bagging the stupid thing. I've had similar trouble with skinning animals; finding that I have to be in a ...
Neon1024's user avatar
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Bullets disappear after a certain distance in Far Cry 3?

I have realised that my shots don't register when I try long-range sniping in FC3 .. Is this a bug that I'm having or does the game really stop registering bullets after a certain distance ? Anyone ...
Render's user avatar
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Bullet drop in Far Cry 3 ?

Does Far Cry 3 incorporate bullet drop phenomenon ? I always aim a bit higher in very long distance sniping, but don't always get a shot. I'm not sure but I don't think bullet drop is present or ...
Render's user avatar
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Capturing all outposts in Far Cry 3?

I have noticed that capturing outposts in FC3 removes the random spawn of enemies in the game. What happens if I clear out all the outposts in the game ? (I'm still in the second main quest, so haven'...
Render's user avatar
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To achieve 100% completion do I only have to do everything in the Progress section and nothing else?

I've completed the story so I'm just going through and doing any remaining tasks. Mainly my concern is with the loot chests. Although I can see them all on the map now I've bought all the additional ...
JonW's user avatar
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