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Questions tagged [far-cry-primal]

Far Cry Primal is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. Is is a part of the Far Cry series and the first game in the series set in the Stone Age.

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How does damage work in Far Cry Primal?

I've been playing Far Cry Primal for a while now and I don't understand how the damage system works. I find it confusing that you have a set of hit points, but you don't lose them in discrete amounts -...
Old Gamer's user avatar
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Finished Far Cry Primal, but the play through is only at 54.02%

I just finished Far Cry Primal. I played about 30 hours, and did all the (people) missions. I also build and crafted everything. I conquered all the towers and area's, and tamed all the beasts. The ...
GertDeWilde's user avatar
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Is there a third-person option on Far Cry Primal PS4?

I am wanting to buy this game, but I know it uses a first-person view. Does the PS4 version support third-person view as well?
rahul's user avatar
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Bloodfang Sabretooth died, chance to recover?

After much struggle, I finally get the Bloodfang Sabretooth, and after a mission battle with the Izila he ended up dying and I couldn't revive him, now no longer appears on the map the quest to ...
MarceloBoni's user avatar
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What is this bird nest for and why does it glow?

I've recently picked up Far Cry Primal and have been exploring the huge map. While running around, I found this bird nest that was shimmering and glowing like it's and interactable object in the game. ...
Timmy Jim's user avatar
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Far Cry: Primal communicating with servers when starting up?

Why does Far Cry: Primal communicate with Ubisoft servers when you start the game. The only thing that it claims to be doing is getting game configuration information, which the game should be able ...
Ben Sandeen's user avatar
5 votes
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Can you move items from pack into stash?

I have noticed that once you get full on an item you get the notification that your pack is full of said item, and nothing seems to have been done with the item you tried to pick up. When you interact ...
Dupree3's user avatar
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12 votes
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How do you make arrows in Far Cry Primal?

Just got to the point in Far Cry Primal where I get to explore on my own with out real restrictions. I am starting to run low on arrows, and it appeared at first you crafted them. Is there a way to ...
Dupree3's user avatar
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