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Questions tagged [final-fantasy-3]

Final Fantasy III (the 3rd game in the Final Fantasy series) was released for the Famicom only in Japan in 1990. The game known as Final Fantasy III for the Super Nintendo is actually Final Fantasy VI; please tag accordingly. Final Fantasy III was ported to the DS (in 2006) and iOS (in 2011) platforms.

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8 votes
1 answer

What does your job level do in Final Fantasy III?

I have Final Fantasy 3 on my DS, and I don't understand what my job level is supposed to do, or how it works besides it upgrading after battles.
Superslayer04's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Legendary smith problems

I have been playing Final Fantasy 3 (FF3) for about 33 hours now (I have played three times previously) but I am now having trouble with the legendary smith to get the ultima sword. I have talked to ...
Braedan Bishop's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can Mognet quests be accessed over Wireless Communication?

I'm really sorry for being vague. I've improved my question: In Final Fantasy III, there are extra quests to unlock extra content, such as the Legendary Smith and the Onion Knight job. To access ...
s6th's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can I play Final Fantasy 3 (mobile) with any jobs?

I'm playing Final Fantasy III (remake, mobile) and I choose not to use any black magic casters. I was planning on not using those for the whole game but I was forced too: when your whole team are mini,...
Philippe Carriere's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do Spells that cause Status Effects have any effect against Bosses?

I've tried to cast Spells like Blind and Poison multiple times against Boss enemies, yet they always miss. Can these Bosses even be effected by these Spells?
jumpnett's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why would I put my characters in the back row during combat?

I've just started playing Final Fantasy III, and I am wondering what bonuses your characters get from being in the back row during combat. I have put my mage in the back row, assuming it would ...
au revoir's user avatar
  • 10.9k
9 votes
1 answer

Are shields useful in Final Fantasy 3?

Like in Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III (for Nintendo DS and iOS) allows you to choose between equipping a weapon and a shield, or to equip two weapons. Is it ever worth it to choose a shield? In ...
SuperElectric's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I unlock the Onion Knight job?

In the original Final Fantasy III, Onion Knights were the default class. When the game was remade for the Nintendo DS, Freelancers became the default class and Onion Knights were unlocked via a secret ...
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