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Questions tagged [metroid-other-m]

Metroid: Other M is the 11th game in the Metroid series of video games by Nintendo. It is the first game to feature a voiceover for Samus Aran, the main character of the series.

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What happened to the "deleter" in Metroid: Other M?

I finished Metroid: Other M (I know, my first mistake) but the story line about the "deleter" never really resolved. Does anyone knew what happened to that guy?
WPickett's user avatar
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How well does Metroid Other M take advantage of the Wiimote's unique features?

Since I am near the end of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Nintendo Wii, I am considering new games for me to play next. I am interested in Metroid: Other M, but I want to know without spoliers ...
Josh's user avatar
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Is there a trick in the Hunt-The-Pixel sections of Metroid: Other M

Is there some sort of trick to know where to look or what to look for during the hunt-the-pixel parts of Metroid: Other M? These "Hunt the Pixel" sections are annoying me.
alexanderpas's user avatar
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How to continue after the breeding room?

Adam has ordered me to investigate Sector 1, and after leaving the Breeding Room (after the cutscene) the door locks after me. The main route has been blocked by a blast shield BEHIND a door, for ...
alexanderpas's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Who or what is the "other M" in Metroid: Other M?

Spoilers Who or what is this "Other M" that is referenced in the game's title? Is there anywhere this is stated definitively (or pretty clearly implied) in the game? I've finished the whole game, ...
Kip's user avatar
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How do I survive the elevator shaft in Sector 1 of Metroid: Other M?

I'm in this elevator shaft in Sector 1 in Metroid: Other M. It is after the third navigation station. I climb to the top, killing the enemies along the way, and there are some exposed wires at the ...
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