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I think I'm Stuck in Earthbound Zero

I'm playing Earthbound Zero (MOTHER) on an emulator. I've reached Magicant and am trying to get through the Crystal Cavern (that's the way out, right?), but I keep dying, especially to the fish. ...
Just Some Random Person's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is this well?

In EarthBound Beginnings, AKA Mother, there's a well or something in Magicant. But I just walk over it. I can't interact with it. See this screenshot: What is this?
Brieanna Lariviere's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In the Mother series, are Ninten and Ness in any way related?

I wanted to know, is there was any relation between Ninten and Ness? Are they the same character or related in some way, or is there no relation at all?
D.k. White's user avatar