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Can you run games that require a Memory Card on a PS Vita Slim or PS Vita TV without it?

Some games like Project Diva f/f 2nd require a Memory Card to be inserted in the console for the game to work. Is possible to run this type of games without a Memory Card in the 2nd Generation PS Vita ...
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How do I know if a PS Vita game is compatible with the PS TV?

I know that some Vita games are not compatible with the PS TV. How do I know if a PS Vita game is compatible with the PS TV (also called PS Vita TV)?
Lemon's user avatar
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Can I use a PS Vita memory card used with a newer firmware version - on a Vita with a lower?

I have an X PS Vita. X is on firmware 3.61. It has a card. The card contains - say - a digital game purchased on the PlayStation Store, legally. Now, let's say I have a Y PS Vita (or PSTV, it doesn't ...
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