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What's wrong with account and Polish tld?

tl;dr Origin client for Windows 10 blocks creation of child account claiming that provided parent's email address (which belongs to an existing account) is invalid. It seems that the problem is ...
trejder's user avatar
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Origin not opening, and crashing after games close

Recently I was playing Titan Fall 2 and saw it was late and closed it to go to bed. As I was shutting off my computer I saw an error message from Origin asking to restart or quit it. As it was late I ...
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Sims 2 Ultimate Collection on Origin locked at 800x600

I have tried using the Sims 2/SC4 graphics rules maker tool as well as manual editing to fix this, but neither method worked. Is The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9 not the correct ...
Alexander M's user avatar
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How do you shut down games in Origin?

I just recently installed Sims 3 a month ago but it won't let me on. when I click on my Sims3 window it loads for a while and sometimes nothing comes up but other times there is a sign from Origin ...
Madison's user avatar
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Battlefield 3 Download Stuck at 95%

I got BF3 Premium Edition through Amazon and started downloading through Origin, and now whenever I get to 95% it stops and says error code 262145:5 and just stops. It'll download maybe 100 kilobytes ...
Craig Butikofer's user avatar
4 votes
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Problem with Origin and Mass Effect 2

So far Origin has been working fine. I have installed both Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3 in a folders I specifically chose because my main drive doesn't have enough space. When I try to install Mass ...
obd's user avatar
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Battlefield 3 PC black screen with sounds

Since the last patch of Battlefield 3, I can't play it because the screen is black, but I can hear sounds in the background. I tried to repair the installation from Origin, but it doesn't resolve the ...
unil's user avatar
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