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Questions tagged [pathfinder-kingmaker]

An isometric computer RPG set in the Pathfinder fantasy universe.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Harrim's quest - siding with kobolds

In my first playthrough, during the Harrim's quest, I've killed both trolls and kobolds and after Harrim destroyed the anvil, he received a gem. Later on, a group of dwarves moves to the ruined ...
Yasskier's user avatar
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Is it safe to waste time when there is no timed quest or active threat?

The first main quest has a 3 month time limit. And reading about the concept of the kingdom management after that part starts, there will be periodical crises which have to be solved else the game is ...
vsz's user avatar
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What is the nature of curses?

In Pathfinder: Kingmaker, there's a series of quests named "Research into the nature of curses". In each quest, you investigate some curse in some area. What is the overarching meaning of ...
Petr Hudeček's user avatar
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Can you play without doing any companion quest?

I would like to play Pathfinder Kingmaker without doing any companion quests (Harrim, Tristan, and so on...). If I am able to refuse Amiri wish to kill "Gouttière" (the name of the boar in ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar