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Questions tagged [spice-bandits]

a turret-defense strategy game for iOS by Chillingo Ltd. Players take control of the invading pirate force and must protect them as they mine for 'Spice' in a variety of locales by setting up a variety of turrets and upgrading them in different ways.

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1 answer

How do you do the Walls level?

I have tried and tried and tried, but always die. I've got the towers up too: sniper minigun 1, super minigun 2, f.a.r.t tower 2, power gateway 1, AA gun 3, buff tower 1, baby nuke, and Katayusha. Any ...
Benny-boy-bee's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the last level in Spice Bandits and where in the map is it?

I have played factory backyard, but then I had to stop playing. When I came back I could not tell what level was next. It says that the location progress was 98%, so I'm pretty sure that there is ...
IIISkyBlueIII's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I maximize XP gain in Spice Bandits?

I am level 58 right now, and I'm trying to collect stars in all of the chapters. But the sudden death is very hard and I only get low XP. For example, for the chapter Desert Freighter, the most I've ...
BAESV's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What do the tower settings mean?

I'm having a bit of trouble when placing the towers- do the f, s, w tower settings actually mean anything?
bilbo's user avatar
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5 answers

Need help beating Spice Bandits level Wooden Walls

I've tried and tried, replayed earlier levels over to level up, nothing I do is working. Can anyone help me with a strategy for Wooden Walls - the third level in Africa?
Cat's user avatar
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3 answers

Level required for co-op mode in Spice Bandits

In On5/Chillingo's Spice Bandits, what level, or what other unlock criteria do you need to be able to play co-op mode on levels? I am level 17, but as yet have not been able to start a co-op mission.
tonycoupland's user avatar