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Questions tagged [splatoon-3-side-order]

a 2024 singleplayer expansion pack for Splatoon 3. Use both this tag and [splatoon-3] for any questions pertaining to the expansion. For questions about the base game, use [splatoon-3] only.

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Does the Splash Radius chip affect the Luna Blaster?

In Splatoon 3 Side Order, there is a Splash Radius chip which "Increases the radius of damage and turf inked by explosions". I believe this applies to explosions when enemies are defeated, ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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What does the red line on the turbine tower mean?

Some missions in Splatoon 3 Side Order have a turbine tower you need to continually attack and fill with ink to make it move. There is a red line on the tower's container, similar to the line on an ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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How do I view my best times for floors in Side Order?

When I clear a floor in Side Order faster than my previous best time, there is a small notice saying my time has been "Updated". However, I can't figure out how to see what my best times ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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How do I refight the boss from my first run?

My first time playing Splatoon 3 Side Order, I was able to fight This boss has not shown up on any subsequent runs. Is there a way to refight the boss from my first run?
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Does boss difficulty change depending on the floor?

In Splatoon 3 Side Order, because of the randomization of the tower, there are three bosses that can be fought on either floor 10 or 20 (Asynchronous Rondo, Pinging Marciale, and Parallel Canon). Does ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Does Shot-Spread Reduction affect the Luna Blaster?

While playing Side Order with Murch's Palette, I was offered a floor with the Shot-Spread Reduction chip which "reduces the shot spread on your main weapon." The main weapon for Murch's ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Does clearing the tower with a reconfigured palette advance the story?

After clearing the tower in Splatoon 3 Side Order for the first time, you are encouraged to clear it again with different palettes (weapon sets) to reconfigure them. Each time I've reached the top of ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Where has Pearl seen this vending machine before?

After shopping on a Vending-Machine floor, Pearl commented "Where have I seen that vending machine before?" Why did Pearl make this comment? Where has she seen this vending machine before? ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Does Moving Ink Speed increase ink usage?

I picked up the Moving Ink Speed chip which states Increases movement speed when moving while inking with a roller or brush. Since moving faster with a brush would paint more surface area in less ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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How does Main Piercing work on Rollers and Brushes?

In Splatoon 3 - Side Order, there is a Main Piercing chip which says Your main weapon's shots pierce enemies, with damage decreasing per enemy. How does this work on Roller and Brush weapons? Will ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Can I change Agent 8's appearance after starting Side Order?

Splatoon 3's DLC campaign Side Order starts with you customizing the appearance of Agent 8. I want to make them match my character from Splatoon 2, but I can't remember their appearance offhand. Will ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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