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Questions tagged [steam-holiday-auction]

a 2014 Christmas-themed promotional sale & minigame by Valve for the Steam platform. Players can bid 'Gems' in an auction: every 45 minutes the top bidder wins a game and all other bids carry over to the next round.

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3 votes
1 answer

Where did my Steam gems go?

I made about 250 gems on Dec. 15. I bid them all on a game with the miniscule possibility that I could get the game. I obviously did not. I thought that would mean that I got to keep those gems when ...
Reafexus's user avatar
  • 9,248
3 votes
1 answer

Can I see how many gems I bid when I won an auction?

I won an auction in the Steam Holiday Auction yesterday. I want to compare how much I bid with the current bid for the same item. Is there some place I can see how many gems I paid?
erikric's user avatar
  • 183
15 votes
2 answers

How are the Gem values worked out?

In the Steam Auction, every Steam item (card, booster pack, background and emoticon) has a gem value, which is awarded when the item is "recycled" (user clicks the Turn into Gems... button). How is ...
aytimothy's user avatar
  • 17.9k
61 votes
3 answers

What are steam gems?

After reading this post on Arqade, I wondered what Steam gems were. I've never heard of Steam gems before. What are the uses of Steam gems? Are they some kind of currency? What do Steam gems do? ...
Marco Geertsma's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How do I unpack or pack large quantities of gems at once?

I just bought a large quantity of gem packs from the Market. How can I unpack them with minimal effort? I have a large quantity of gems to turn into gem packs. How can I pack them with minimal effort?...
Keavon's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What determines how many gems a game's backgrounds, emotions, and cards will give?

Backgrounds and emoticons for a particular game on Steam are all worth the same number of gems, as are its cards. What determines how many gems a game's community items and cards are worth?
Keavon's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Where can I see which games are up for auction?

According to the steam holiday auction page, there are 100 copies each of almost 2000 games up for auction. However, I only see 14 games listed on that page. Where can I see all the others?
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do I turn all my cards into gems at once?

In order to bid on stuff I need to turn my cards and items into gems, instead of doing it one at a time, is there a way I can turn them all into gems at the same time?
l I's user avatar
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