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Questions tagged [the-banner-saga]

The Banner Saga is a Viking-themed tactical role-playing game.

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11 votes
1 answer

When promoting a hero, how to increase his ability's rank?

Each hero has an ability with 3 ranks. During the promotion phase, you can increase stats by clicking it (on the right side of the screen), but I can't find how to increase the said ability: ...
Anto's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Does the caravan matter?

I've completed a play through of the Banner Saga, and at no point did the absolute numbers of my Clansmen or Varls seem to matter. I understand that there are achievements associated with them, but ...
Hooked's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do supplies matter between Banner Saga volumes?

I'm at the end of a replay of the first Banner Saga game. I came out in a far better position than previous play throughs and I have an opportunity to buy a bunch more supplies. This is the first time ...
Dacio's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to get more renown?

Renown is a key resource in this game. You can earn it at the end of each battle, but how is it calculated ? What does it depend on ? Enemies ? Losses ? Current difficulty ? Is it possible to ...
Anto's user avatar
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4 votes
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Banner Saga - Only 2 armor damage?

So I'm gonna do 4 health damage because 12 minus 8 equals 4. How is the armor damage calculated?
alobeejay's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I win the final battle?

I really had a hard time during the final battle: I had to lower the difficulty in order to get through it... Bellower seems completely imbalanced to me and I'm really not sure about how I should ...
Anto's user avatar
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2 votes
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Markets are visible and highlight but not accessible

I'm currently in Boersgard and I'm unable to access the market place, the market highlights when I hover the mouse pointer over it but clicking on it just makes a clicking sound. This has also been ...
Fishcake's user avatar
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2 votes
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When does The Banner Saga save?

From the looks of it, there's no way to manually save — no problem, since the people who made the game prolly wanted to make the choices feel meaningful, and not something you go back and forth on... ...
JNat's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is there a way to transport my choices from first game on Android to second game on Xbox One?

So I'm playing the first "The Banner Saga" game on Android, and I have the second game on Xbox One. My question is: Can I import my choices from the first game to the second game? Maybe there's a "...
João Victor Oliveira's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

When do end game achievements activate in The Banner Saga

I just finished a hard-mode play through of The Banner Saga and the achievements did not activate. I'm on Mac playing a Steam version. I was on a spotty internet connection at the time, which has ...
Dacio's user avatar
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