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Questions tagged [ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3]

a 2011 crossover fighting game developed by Capcom. The game features characters from both Capcom and Marvel Comics franchises. Players attempt to knock out opponents using a selection of 3 fighters from either franchise.

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Who is this gargoyle-like character?

Who is the circled character, and what source material is he(?) from?
Kevin's user avatar
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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC

There's a way to still obtain the DLC for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3? Because the icon for the game appears in the PS Store, but no description or info is avaible for it.
CarlosOro's user avatar
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What's the benefit of MODOK's forehead blazing?

In at least Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (and UMvC3), when MODOK hits someone with an "Analyze cube", power seems to be drawn to him from the impact and causes his forehead to blaze with a pink fire. It seems ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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What is Delayed Hyper Combo (DHC)?

In, I believe Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, there is something called the DHC glitch which stands for Delayed Hyper Combo. What is it exactly?
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Do Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ultimate MvC 3 share multiplayer?

I got the vanilla version for very cheap and want to play against a friend of mine; however, he has the "Ultimate" version. Is it possible to play together online? Or do I need to get the other ...
Jota's user avatar
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Transferring Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from Vita to PS3

I purchased Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from the PSN for the PS Vita. I've read that I can access DLC stuff for this game from either the Vita or my PS3. What I was wondering is, can I also transfer ...
THE DOCTOR's user avatar
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Are certain cards exclusive to the mission zone?

In Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Heroes vs Heralds mode, are the cards I can obtain determined by the mission zone? Or is there a possibility for me to obtain any card in any zone? If it is determined ...
l I's user avatar
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How to Hit Frank Wests' Servbot Head Hyper Combo?

I just started playing Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and I started to play Frank West because I was a big fan of Dead Rising. Whilst in training mode messing around figuring out his kit, for some ...
Kirkalirk's user avatar
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What counts as a ground move?

When a card boosts damage while on the ground, does this include moves that hover just above the ground such as Ryu's Tatsumaki? Does my feet have to be in contact with the ground to gain the bonus?
l I's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I unlock the hidden characters?

There are at least two hidden characters on the selection screen for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. How do I unlock them? This is the PS-Vita version if it matters.
l I's user avatar
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How do I beat Galactus?

I've managed to get to the final boss in offline mode pretty easily, but Galactus is just kicking my butt. I don't even quite know if my attacks are doing damage at all, and he usually wipes me out ...
l I's user avatar
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