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Questions tagged [unity-web-player]

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Playing a game, what measurement of speed is u/s?

I've been playing attack on Titan, a game based on the anime, and have recently enabled the speedometer so I could judge how fast my character is going. Unfortunately, it uses either a made-up or ...
Hellreaver's user avatar
-3 votes
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Having trouble downloading the game

Whenever I download Yandere simulator, it either tries to open it with Windows Media Center or Unity Player. I am pretty sure I remember making files that are similar open the same programme by ...
DatOnePokemonGuy's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I run BattleStar Galactica Online on Linux?

I am aware that BattleStar Galactica Online requires the Unity 3D browser plug-in to play. It is currently only available to Windows. I installed the windows version of Firefox 20 using Wine 1.4.1. It ...
Nil's user avatar
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0 votes
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How can I run a Unity web game at full screen?

How can I run games that plays with the Unity web player at full screen?
Someone's user avatar
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