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Questions tagged [veggie-samurai]

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5 votes
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How to Dice Chain in Veggie Samurai?

I know it's a silly question, but I just can't understand what breaks my "dice chain" in Veggie Samurai. What is the correct move to chain the strokes?
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How to reset high score on Veggie Samurai

My mom has a score set on my iPod touch and I can't beat it , is there a way I can reset the score to zero and start all over?
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10 votes
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How do you proc specific mega veggies in Veggie Samurai?

I am a big fan of iPhone/iPad games Fruit Ninja and Veggie Samurai, the latter being a clone of the former. In the game, there is a concept of a "Mega-Veggie". Essentially, normal veggies stop being ...
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