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Questions tagged [warcraft-2]

A real time strategy game released in 1996 by Blizzard Entertainment in which players take the role of humans or orcs in a fantasy setting.

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How to complete Warcraft II BNE: Custom Scenario (Classic) - Expansion [Orc; Death Knight] (Gauntlet) scenario?

So, I am playing Warcraft II custom scenario in Battle dot net Edition. I was able to play as human campaign with Mage but I was not able finish it with Footman scenario because it can't attack flyers....
Manu Mitra's user avatar
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How can I play Warcraft I on my Win7 Machine?

I figure that I'd need to open a separate window, and run a DOS shell of some kind in it, but based on the trouble I am having with Starcraft I and my video card, which is a decent quality Nvidia ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
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How can I make my Warcraft II (DOS) saves work in Warcraft II BNE?

I still have my old Warcraft II saves from the DOS version. When I copied them to my BNE saves folder, I was disheartened to find they didn't show up in-game. Yes, I'm aware I can use cheats to jump ...
blackwind's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What are the Warcraft II Cheats?

I have recently been playing some older PC and DOS based games. I noticed that the Arqade section didn't have ANY of the information on Cheats and Unlockables for Warcraft II, so I have posted them ...
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How does the campaign scoring system work?

At the end of each campaign mission, you get to see the statistics screen, which includes a cumulative score and a rank. How is the score calculated and how does it affect the rank?
deutschZuid's user avatar
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Is it still possible to play Warcraft 2 on

Warcraft 2 isn't for sale anymore on Blizzard's store, but I would like to play the version. Is it still playable on, or is online play no longer supported?
bloodlust's user avatar
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