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Questions tagged [world-of-warcraft-classic]

A fantasy MMORPG developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It is a restart of the original World of Warcraft from 2006 and features the world, factions, races, quests and collectibles from that time. WoW classic is completely independent from the current game.

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2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I swim from Darkshore to Felwood?

I was leveling a Druid Paladin, and I wanted to see if I could swim to Felwood from Darkshore to peek in on my partner's raid team. I noticed them flying across the map. I then noticed two small ...
sillydarla's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a wow classic addon that allows for extended-length macros? [closed]

I could really use a few extra characters in some macros I've been wanting to make. I remember in Vanilla there was a way to do this. There appears to be an addon for Retail as well, called LongMacros,...
bbarker's user avatar
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1 answer

Do battlemasters in wow-classic (or wow) ever engage in combat?

In Stormwind, at least, the battlemasters (i.e. the NPCs that will queue you for battlegrounds) never attack Onyxia's dragonkin, so I'm assuming combat with NPCs is not possible (under normal ...
bbarker's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What sword does Lady Hoteshem have in WoW?

I don't think I've seen this sword anywhere else. Is there a way to find out what it is, even if it isn't a weapon that is obtainable by players?
bbarker's user avatar
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Does riding a mount influence resources detection ability?

In World of Warcraft Classic/Retail, when riding a mount, does it make any changes to time and/or distance a resource (herb, ore, etc.) is being shown on mini map? If any, it may be in-game (ex. ...
wst's user avatar
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2 answers

World of Warcraft: Classic and quest difficulty

I'm playing World of Warcraft: Classic, as a hunter and I'm completely new to this game. I'm trying to solo the entire game and I've read that it is possible as a hunter with the pet as the tank. ...
SlayerDiAngelo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Do the /sit macro and/or mashing the X button work for the purposes of Paladin Reckoning? How?

Reckoning is a Paladin's ability in Classic/Vanilla World of Warcraft (1.13/1.12). When fully leveled, after being subject to a critical hit, the user gets a "reckoning stack", becoming entitled to an ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can't create macro with Deathwish and Blood Fury

I want to make a macro that casts Deathwish and Blood Furyat the same time or after another. I did the following /castsequence Deathwish, Blood Fury but it only does execute the first in the array. ...
xetra11's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the relationship between attack power, weapon damage and damage?

I have some Warrior skills that are using weapon damage like Slam for example. Now I also have Death Wish or Battle Shout. Both improve either physical melee damage and attack power. Now I wonder if ...
xetra11's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does the environment change a player's speed?

Assuming no buffs or any other helpers, how does swimming speed compare to running speed? Is there any other environment that may make the player character move slower or faster?
wst's user avatar
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WoW When to use Slam

On the following website there is some math on whether to use the warrior ability Slam or not, namely the three inequalities. While I understand the first inequality: [(Avg. Weap. Dam.)+140]*1/1.5 >...
Michael Munta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

WoW attack speed calculation [closed]

Reading up on attack speed calculations for World of Warcraft I noticed that the formula for attack speed is: Attack_speed = "current attack speed" / (("Percent increase or decrease" / 100) + 1 )...
Michael Munta's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a character level requirement for Leather work and Alchemy?

For WoW Classic (blizzard server), I want to have my main character to have skinning and herbalism and create a second character which I won't play much to have Leatherwork and Alchemy. My question ...
Charlie Wu's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Wow Classic Macro/Addon to delete cheapest item [closed]

Is there a macro or addon for World of Warcraft to drop/delete/throw away the non-quest item in my bags with the lowest vendor sell price? When my bags are full I hate trying to figure out what to ...
Matt's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What are the in-game differences between WoW Classic and the original 2006 Version

When playing WoW Classic I've noticed that water bodies have improved graphics when compared to the original 2006 version. Also there is a lot of grass when playing on the highest settings (I don't ...
Jutschge's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is there any reason to use an old account?

Is there any reason to use an old Blizzard account for WoW classic? I've not used the Authenticator in ages. And if I try now, it simply doesn't notice that it needs to generate a code. Nor does the "...
MSalters's user avatar
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