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Questions tagged [yo-kai-watch]

a role-playing video game developed by Level-5. Using the titular watch, the player can see and identify different creatures known as Yo-Kai that are haunting people and causing mischief. The player befriends many Yo-Kai which can be summoned to battle against more ill-intentioned Yo-Kai that are causing trouble in the town.

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1 answer

How to snap Frostina using the Yo-Kai Cam?

I'm trying to get Frostina on the Yo-kai Cam. I've tried various angles of the image below with no success. I did get a few different yo-kai, but not Frostina, sadly. Is there any reliable way to ...
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Are skills for Yokai "in the back" active?

In my front 3 Yokai I have one with the Popularity skill, which makes befriending easier. However, in the back I have one with Unpopular, which does pretty much the opposite. Do their skills cancel ...
Jonathan Pitre's user avatar
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Can I jaywalk without getting into trouble?

If I cross against the light while walking or biking enough times, Snartle appears and basically kills my whole team. Is there a way to be able to cross at marked crossings without having to stop ...
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How do I know their favorite food?

When Whisper describes making friends with Yo-Kai, he tells me that I can increase my chances by feeding them their favorite foods during battle. I've been trying to make friends with a Leadoni, but I ...
Coronus's user avatar
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How do I defeat Sproink?

Sproink has the lucky underwear I need to give to the man who can upgrade my watch. Problem is, I can't defeat him. I have tried three times now and died every time. I know I do more damage when I ...
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Who is collecting the Dancing Stars?

I got a Dancing Star in my travels, and the flavour text for it says that "rumor has it, someone is collecting these". That makes me think that they serve some kind of purpose. Who wants these? What ...
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1 answer

What is the Yo-Kai Cam?

I unlocked the Yo-Kai Cam in the menu. I tried using it, it said to align faces on the screen to capture Yo-Kai inspiriting people. I couldn't get it to work. How do I use it? Does it have in game ...
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Is there any reasons not to make friends?

When a Yo-Kai likes me enough after a battle, they might ask to be my friend. Is there any reason to say no to this? Saying yes means I can add them to my party, but I don't want to risk anything by ...
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3 votes
2 answers

What does Yo-Kai Watch use the system clock for?

I just started the full game for the first time, and the game warned me that messing with my 3DS system clock could mess things up in my game, because the game uses the system clock. What does Yo-...
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2 answers

Why should I catch bugs?

Now, I am playing the demo version of Yo-Kai Watch, so maybe the full version answers this. You can catch bugs on various trees and stuff, in the game. What good is catching bugs? Are they just a ...
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