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Questions tagged [zombies-run]

Zombies, Run! is a kickstarter-funded running game released by Six to Start in 2012 for mobile devices.

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Using Spotify on Zombies 5K

I got Zombies 5K some time ago through a Humble Bundle but I noticed that I can't use a Spotify playlist while playing it / running. While the free version of Zombies! Run! has support for external ...
DGarvanski's user avatar
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Are zombie chases suppose to be this rare?

I downloaded the Zombies, Run! game on my iPod. I enjoy the storyline and stuff, but there are very few zombie chases, even if I set it to 6 chases an hour and I need to increase my speed +30% to ...
Someone who likes running idk's user avatar
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Can I run with Zombie Run with another person?

I am considering purchasing ZombieRun, but I have a question about it. Sometimes, when I run, my girlfriend might join me. Is there a way to tell the app that we are running together? I am afraid I ...
DreamWave's user avatar
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In Zombies, run! is it possible to see the Zombie Chases?

I'm fairly new to the app, and I've been caught by zombies several times. I failed the mission once, and I've lost about 18+ items just by dropping them so that I don't get caught/eaten. My problem ...
ILikeTacos's user avatar
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Where in the story do the non story missions fit?

In Zombies, Run there are several modes in addition to the normal story. Namely these are: Airdrop Supply Race How do these fit in the story (or does it even matter)? I read that Airdrop missions ...
Tim's user avatar
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Why isn't the distance travelled recorded?

I have Zombies, Run! on the iPhone. I ran for 36 minutes yet on the statistics it says total distance 0.00 km. Is there a way to fix it? Location (on iPhone settings) is on, and I'm assuming there is ...
aurel's user avatar
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Does the Zombies, Run! game take into account elevation?

I know some run tracking apps take into account your elevation as you run. Does Zombies, Run do the same? Do the speed of the chasing zombies change if you are running up hill?
MeltingDog's user avatar
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How do I change playlists in Zombies Run 2?

I've just installed the update for Zombies Run 2 and it is still using my old playlist from the first version. I want to switch to a different playlist but there no longer seems to be that option in ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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When can I do the supply missions?

I super love "playing" Zombies, Run! - the story missions are fun and are getting me outside and exercising, which is super cool. Ideally, I would like to alternate my story runs with supply runs to ...
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6 votes
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Which items should go to the different areas of your base?

In Zombies, Run! as you run you collect various items. At the end of your run you can use those items to upgrade a number of different areas of your base: the Hospital, Comms, Housing, Armory, Food, ...
dpatchery's user avatar
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