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35 votes

Why are stats in Angband written as 18/** instead of 19, 20...?

I can only give you a sort of meta-answer, where this system comes from, as I haven't played Angband. Angbands attribute system is based on AD&D. In AD&D, strength (and only strength) could be ...
Dulkan's user avatar
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5 votes

What does [5, +3] mean on armor and weapons in angband?

I'm not a specialist with Angband but I think I found what you're looking for on this forum : For armor first two in parenthesis are to_hit and to_dam bonuses (can be disenchanted, but not repaired), ...
Fana's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I determine the version of an Angband savefile?

Not for version 3.1.1 or newer. From the source code (savefile.c), typos left intact: * The savefile deosn't contain the version number of that game that saved it; * versioning is left at the ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Any way to convert old Angband save files to the current version?

No, there is no way to convert old savefiles to new versions. The general workaround is to download version 2.7.9 and finish your game with it. An emulator or a virtual machine may help, since a long ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar

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