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3 votes

What is the secret of Monkey Island?

Short answer: Currently, almost nobody knows what the original secret was. By "original" I mean the secret mentioned by the characters of MI1. The person who wrote the original story for MI1 ...
LowLevel's user avatar
2 votes

Escape from Monkey Island - "ScummVM could not find any game in the specified directory!"

As of late 2020, the ResidualVM project is being merged with ScummVM. (side note: I was never been able to get "Escape from Monkey Island" working with the old Residual... game runs natively ...
JonathanDavidArndt's user avatar
1 vote

ScummVM game doesn't fit the screen

For those interested I installed the system provided ScummVM, configured that, and launched through that instead. It worked fine. The problem then is that I could just as well have skipped Lutris ...
Andreas's user avatar
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