What are the differences between The Secret World and Secret World: Legends?
The combat system has been redesigned and simplified. The original "wheel" has been replaced by a layered tree; even though it is still called wheel.
Weapons have power "pips" now in addition to the ...
How to get the "I like it hot" achievement in TSW:L / how to make a flaming hot taco in TSW:L
From the central Agartha hub, go to London. In London, go to the Haitian Market (south of the map). In the Haitian Square Market, you find a friendly monstrous trader called Dante. Dante sells Tacos - ...
SW:L, in Trials of the Dragon, Trial of Fire - which solution is the right one?
First off, finding the solution yourself is much more rewarding.
There are "cold" tiles, switches for the wall-off-fire things, and hot tiles; hot and cold swap each time you go on another tile. Keep ...
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