Skylanders: Giants is a sequel to the game Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It features larger Skylanders known as "Giants", on a quest to stop the evil villian 'Kaos' from finding the Lost City of Arkus and gaining the ancient powers within. It was released in 2012.
Skylanders: Giants builds on the fundamentals of the first game, Featuring a new story-driven adventure and advanced integration across console, handheld, mobile and online versions of the game.
It continues the merging the physical and virtual realms, whilst introducing a variety of new characters and challenges.
Kaos, the main villain from the last game, becomes unfrozen in a toy shop and finds a Portal of Power, which he uses to go back to Skylands. He finds an ancient Arkeyan robot, and goes on the search for the Lost City of Arkus.
The player tries to get to the Lost City before Kaos, after rebuilding Flynn's ship. Many new characters are introduced, and play a part in different levels and many join the player on their adventure.
Kaos eventually finds the Lost City of Arkus, and enters a powerful, robotic fist, transforming himself into a giant robot. This leaves the player with one option, find Kaos, and defeat him.