a 2010 action-adventure game by Disney Interactive based on the 2010 movie Tangled. Rapunzel and Flynn embark on an adventure in order for Rapunzel to find the kingdom which released flying lanterns for her every birthday.
Tangled is a 2010 action-adventure game by Disney Interactive based on the 2010 movie Tangled. Rapunzel and Flynn embark on an adventure in order for Rapunzel to find the kingdom which released flying lanterns for her every birthday.
General Information
- Developer: Disney Interactive Studios
- Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
- Platforms: wii, ds, windows (steam)
- Release Dates:
- 2010 - 23rd Nov (USA), Dec (Aus), 2nd Dec (EU - Windows)
- 2011 - 21 Jan (EU)
- 2014 - 6 Oct (USA - Steam)