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3 votes

Banner Saga - Only 2 armor damage?

The armor damage doesn't get calucalated at all. Armor Damage is its own character stat called "Break".
alobeejay's user avatar
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3 votes

When does The Banner Saga save?

According to this thread on reddit the game saves anytime you quit to the main menu while not in combat or conversation. It also saves at chapter changes and while resting in camp and the game ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
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2 votes

Do supplies matter between Banner Saga volumes?

It has been a while since I played the Banner Saga 2 but from what I can remember, everything you mentioned carries over but there is a cap for supplies, the max supplies is 500. Low level characters ...
Xander's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to transport my choices from first game on Android to second game on Xbox One?

According to this post on Steam forums it's only possible between Steam/iOS and it isn't official but a fan made tool. The user, Aleonymous, is also registered in the Banner Saga forums and seems to ...
Arehandoro's user avatar

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