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World of Warships (2015) is a team-based MMO focused on naval action for Microsoft Windows, developed and published by Wargaming. The game is in the same vein as World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. Use this tag for questions related to the World of Warships MMO.

World of Warships (2015) is a team-based MMO focused on naval action, developed and published by Wargaming for Microsoft Windows. Much like World of Tanks and World of Warplanes focus on tanks and planes, respectively, World of Warships focuses solely on sea vessels.

In World of Warships, the player is randomly assigned to a team with similar tier vessels and attempts to defeat the enemy team. Win conditions vary, but are displayed prior to beginning the battle.

Use this tag for questions about the 2015 MMO World of Warships only. There is no need to pair this tag with the tag.

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